Safe & Active Transportation
"Three of the things I have heard most about during my time as a Councillor and now as Mayor have centred around road safety - slowing traffic down in our neighbourhoods, focusing on people ahead of cars through a complete streets strategy and investments in cycling and trail infrastructure. I am committed to seeing the City of Kitchener make progress in these areas important to you."
Over the pas four years, our achievements together include:
- Adopted a new Complete Streets approach to street design
- Joined the Vision Zero global movement focused on reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries
- Completed our Cycling and Trails Master Plan in 2020
- Implementing a Protected Cycling Network in the Downtown and throughout the City, in partnership with the region
- Built or improved over 56.4 km kilometres of city trails and cycling facilities, plus 25+ km of regional multi-use trails which also improve pedestrian connections to LRT and bus stops
- Have completed or commenced rehabilitations of 17 parks throughout the City of Kitchener and 7 are in the community engagement stage
- Continue to advocate with the province for completion of public transportation improvements along the Toronto-Waterloo Region Innovation Corridor, including 2-way, All-day GO Train service and completion of Highway 7 between Kitchener and Guelph.
- Implementing a 40km/h neighbourhood street speed limit based on community input
- Initiated a Pedestrian-first street pilot on Gaukel Street and in the market district
- Development of a regional bikeshare program with area municipalities (In progress)